First season: 2013
Second season: 2017
Anime, Action, Fantasy
25 [first season]
12 [second season]
Episode duration:
23 min
Sooo, this is the first anime to review on my Blog.
I don’t know if I should do it again after this. We’ll see, I guess. :D
I really like watching anime, but I always wasn’t sure whether I should put it on here, or not. So, see this as an “experiment” maybe. xD
I am talking about the second season here. But in order to do so I also must talk about the first season a lot… so, if you don’t know this anime, or you don’t know anything about anime in general; please keep reading. This also, or maybe especially, is written for you.
Content [general]
All humans reside within three big walls that are supposed to protect them from the gigantic, human-eating titans.
One day the furthest of those walls, Wall Rose, is attacked by the Titans and many of the people living there die.
Back than Eren, the anime’s main character, still was a little boy. Because of that he wasn’t able to protect his mother from the titans and he must watch her being eaten by them helplessly. In that very moment he swears to take bloody revenge and to kill every single Titan on the planet.
In order to do so, he joins the ‘Scout Regiment’.
This is a small group of soldiers that regularly leave the ‘safety’ of the walls to fight the Titans outside. With him are his step-sister Mikasa and his friend Armin.
Too soon, the Titans attack again.
[this is the general story of ‘Attack on Titan’. I don’t know how to say something about the second season without spoiling the first one, so I am gonna leave it like this… :o]
The first season is so incredibly good.
It is thrilling, there is much suspense, the characters are so cool, the story keeps surprising me and, and, and!
It is a bit bloody sometimes, but I personally wasn’t really disturbed by that.
It still hasn’t a ‘real’ ending which means that there is going to be a third and probably also a fourth one. We had to wait for three years for the second season, please don’t make us wait this long again! :o
As I already mentioned at the top; the general idea of the first season stays the same, BUT some things also change. [For Example: in the first season Eren is said that he has to reach the basement of his old house to find out more about the Titans. This isn’t even mentioned anymore in the second season, even though it was one of the main goals of Eren and the others in the first one.]
If you don’t know ‘Attack on Titan’ at all, here is a very important thing for you to know:
Everyone dies
Okay, maybe not everyone; this would be bad.
But it is like the ‘running gag’ in the ‘Shingeki No Kyojin’ Fandom to make fun of the fact that so many characters die. So, here is a tip for you. Try not to fall in love with anyone except for the main characters.
*I actually came to realize that this got a lot better in the second season in comparison to the first one. I still HAD to mention it in order to warn you. xD*
To sum up I have to say that I personally think that the second season isn’t as good as the first one, but still a very good thing to watch.
I really can’t wait for the third season to be released!
My Recommendation
My recommendation for all of you is: *please* give this anime a try
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Everyone has the right to hate or like the things he or she wants.
But hating anime without having even watching a single one, isn’t really justifiable. There are so many different kinds of anime, but people normally only have the most negative [porn] ones in mind when they mock about anime.
Saying you hate anime is comparable to saying that you hate all films, all video games, or *what a horrible, horrible thing to say:* that you hate all books.
So, if you have never watched a single anime in your entire life [but also if you did so], give ‘Attack on Titan’ a try. If you don’t like it after two, or three episodes you can stop watching it and continue not liking anime. But maybe… there is a little chance… that you really enjoy watching it and you don’t want to stop anymore. :D
Please don’t think that I am some sort of anime-crack now. I have only watched a few anime over the past years, but I really like it. If you are interested in hearing something about my favourite anime, write a comment or like this post or anything.
As I said, this kind of is an experiment. I don’t know what to do. HEEEEELP. xDDD
There is one last thing I want to say, which is very important!
The first opening of the first season literally is the best thing you have ever listened to in your entire life. If you aren’t sure whether to watch this anime or not after reading my review, you are going to be sure after listening to this song! xDDD
Even if you are sure that you don’t want to watch this anime *which is perfectly fine by the way* please listen to this song… it’s so good. <3
The chorus is in German… did you realize that?!
I didn’t in first place and I am a fluffing German myself. xDDDD
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