Sunday, 19 February 2017

- 13 - Book Covers

Hello everyone,

Today I thought of a ‘special’ blog entry which isn’t a review but still has something to do with books. :D
I thought that it would be funny to compare some original [English] book covers with the German editions.

I know that it’s the book’s content that really matters but I just love reading pretty books.
 When being in the library I always am magically drawn to pretty looking book covers. xD 

I picked three books for this post but if you guys like it I maybe can write another post about this topic with some other examples in the future. :D

1. The Sweetness At The Bottom of the Pie

I have already written a review about this book so, if you like the cover and you want to take the ‘second step’ and find something out about its content click HERE.

I actually really like both of the covers. :D

If I would have to pick one I would take the German Edition because it is a bit cuter and with more details, but I think this only is matter of taste.

A thing I really like about the English edition is the colour.
So probably a mixture between the two of them would be perfect for me. ^^

Concerning the fact that this is a children / youth book, I find the German cover a bit more appropriated because it looks more ‘childish’ and not as serious as the original one.

2. Game Of Thrones

I have already written a review about this book too, so if you are interested in learning more about this one click HERE. xD

Well, what can I say… I can elect a clear winner here…
The English cover is amazing and the German one is so ugly!

I mean, you guys can’t compare the sizes of these books, but the German one is so big and unhandy and in addition to that all the fourteen books [yeah, the German edition consists of fu***** fourteen books, don’t ask me why. xDD] and all of them look the same. That’s horrible!

The English one has the perfect size and the colour, the sword printed on it, just EVERYTHING is so nice! * ____ *

The other English books *there currently are seven, but an eighth is said to come out in the future* all differ in colour and the symbols printed on them. 
I really like that because that’s not so boring and though reading a series you don’t feel like reading the same book over and over again.

3. Hunger Games

I just realised that I have never written a review about this trilogy…
So if you want me to I can write one in the future. :D
I actually picked this example because the German cover is one of my favourites, so you can already guess which one I prefer here. ^^

It is so cool that Katniss’ love for the woods is expressed through the green leaves which frame the girl’s face on the German cover.

You guys can’t see and feel this but the girl’s eye, the title and the blood dripping from the leaves are written with special ‘ink’ which reflects the light really cool and which is nice to touch! 
*I always have to stroke the letters when holding the book… xD #weird*

This cover directly catches my attention and that’s why I think that a very good has been done here.
*I mean, who could ignore this girl’s look?! It is so captivating! xD*

The English Cover is very simple compared to the German one.
I think that simple covers are very nice too and catch the viewer’s attention in a different manner, but in this special case I just find the German Cover more appealing.


That’s it for today, I hope that you guys like this post.

If you do, let me know so that I can write similar posts to that in the future and if you don’t, let me know too, so that I never ever write something like that again. xDD


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