Sunday, 26 March 2017

recoSUNDAYtion #2

Hello everyone. :D

This only is my second ‘recoSUNDAYtion’ and I already had to think very hard for finding a single good thing to say about this week… :o
I currently have a very, very stressful time in school and I argued with my parents a lot this week and they currently don’t talk with me.

But exactly during ‘bad times’ *I’m indulging in histrionics here… it is not that bad… I just really, really look forward to the holidays. xDD* like this I want to brighten up your day with these posts. ^^
But for this reason today’s post doesn’t contain that many points; next week’s post is going to be a lot better, I promise. :D

New book-Shelf
Yeah, that’s a thing. :D

I am in love with the bookshelf I currently have, BUT it is way too small. I don’t have any space for new books and the old ones already are stacking up on top of each other.

My dad really is into building things on his own, so he insists on not buying a new shelf but to build one on his own. xD
Last week we bought the wood and he started cropping the boards this week.

I am so excited for it to be ready! *___*
As soon as it is ready I immediately will show you a picture of it!

Visited my granny
I know this one is nothing special…

But when I argued with my parents this week I 'escaped' and I slept over at my grandparents.
I haven’t been there in like forever and if so, I always forget how amazing it is there.

We just play cards, laugh about the people on the TV or we cook together.
I always have such a great time!

If you don’t like your grand-parents this advice is shitty, but if you still have grand-parents and you haven’t visited them in a while take your phone and call then NOW and tell them that you love them and you want to come over. <3 [If they live far away still call them and just leave the ‘coming over’ part out. xD

Chicken Song
This is even dumper than the previous one… xDDD
This song is very, very stupid but I listened to it so often during the past week and it just made my days.

This song is about a Japanese who owns a ninja chicken who attacks bad people… and the Japanese guy is able to yodel…

As you might realize, high quality content… not…

I am going to link it down here, so that you directly can listen to it and maybe get as hyped as I got. xD

So, that’s it for this week.
See you again next Sunday with a new *and better and longer* recoSUNDAYtion or earlier with a new review…

I currently have a pile of six books, films and series ready to be reviewed, so as soon as I have holidays many, many reviews are about to be uploaded here.

Hugs and thanks for dropping by,

There is one last thing I want to say:
*This probably is wrong and you don't say it like that in English, but I currently am too angry and tired and I have too little time for looking it up properly. :o
I hope you understand what I try to say though and that you agree with my not very positive, opinion. xD 

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