Sunday, 19 March 2017


Hello everyone. :D

With this I want to start a new "series".
I want to publish a post like this every Sunday from now on.

With these posts I just want to show you what I especially enjoyed the previous week, what cheered me up or just entertained me. 

To sum up:
What made my week a better week!

Many people tend to forget the positive things which happen to them and just remember the negative ones. :o
So with that series I just want to spread some good vibes to everyone who reads this. And maybe give you some inspiration [recommendations; that’s why the name] for things to improve your days with. :D

*Please don't think because of the fact that I only show good things here, that I am one of these persons who always are happy... because I am not. 
I also have my bad days [or weeks xD] and sometimes I just ‘fall into a deep hole of a bad mood’ and I can’t climb out of it for hours. During this time I am not able to do anything but to stare at my wall and think about my live and how the world is going… *I thought about writing a post about this… maybe in the future*

BUT I really am a person who appreciates the small good things in live a lot. <3*

I have thought of many, many different topics to write about here, so I can't really say what the content is going to be like. ^^
[I still want to "warn" you, that it isn't going to be bookish content; just literally everything that comes to my mind. xD]

I also don't want to determine a special extent for these posts. It always is very stressing for me when I feel the pressure to having to write a special amount of words about a topic that I might not have that much to say about...

I am really looking forward to writing these weekly posts in addition to my normal ones. ^^

This first posts actual content includes the good things that happened this week and the one before because I already wrote this post last week but I didn’t have any time to correct the language mistakes and I really didn’t want to post the freakin’ fist post of this ‘Sunday-series’ on Monday. xD


I am sorry for this one...
I know that I already wrote a whole blog post about this topic, but I have to mention this though because I listened to this album literally a hundred times now and it cheered me up so many times! xD

It is amazing and lovely and, and, and. xD

Trailer 'Deadpool 2'

The first 'Deadpool' film is so good.
It exactly matches my sense of humour. :D

Sarcastic. Stupid. Sexual. 

The second film seems to have the exact same humour, so I am looking forward to watching it! * _____ *

I am going to put the trailer down here so, if you haven't seen it yet, you can do it now. ↙

I was in the bookshop!

I haven’t been to the bookshop just for looking around without having to hurry in like forever so I enjoyed this visit even more. :D

I bought a book for school, one for my private ‘usage’ and I also got excerpts of two very good sounding books.

Spring is coming!

I don’t know what the weather is like where you guys all come from, but here it is getting warmer and it really seems like spring is about to come.

As I already explained in my ‘winter’ post; I really love winter and I don’t really am a very big fan of spring… BUT literally everyone is in a good mood when it gets warmer and I really love that! ^^

My first reviewer’s copy arrived!

As I found the note in my post box, I was so happy and I couldn’t hold myself from stupidly smiling all the time!

The note said that I could pick up the book at my towns post office…
Leonie directly went there feeling as excited as she has never been in her entire live… and then…

Fail, the package was going to arrive the next day… it also said so on the note… I probably should have read it more careful… xD

Well, the next day I directly went there again and proudly took my first reviewer’s copy home with me. :D
I’m like 99 percent sure that I am going to love this book because I already have read half through it when being at the library sooner this year. I just didn’t have enough money to buy it back then. xD

I am really looking forward to reading it.
I will hurry doing so, so that I can publish its review here as soon as I can.

[I just realized that I didn’t tell you the books name… stupid me. This probably is the only information you guys would have been interested in… xDDD

It is the first part of the ‘Phileasson-Saga’ by Bernhard Hennen.

I just realized that it a German book which hasn’t been translated to English [yet]. xD
I am still going to write a review about it so that all of you who come from Germany, or are able to speak German can be helped whether to buy it or not and so that all of you who aren’t able to speak this language know what to expect if it ever is translated into your tongue.

So, that's it for this week.
I hope that you guys enjoy this new "thing" and come back here the next week. :3


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