Saturday, 17 June 2017

- 25 - How To Be A Bawse

Lilly Singh
aka iisuperwomanii


NonFiction, Self Help, Biography

272 pages [English edition]

I ordered this book because I really like Lilly Singh aka iisuperwomanii. I literally didn’t know anything about its content.
As it arrived I kinda already regretted buying ‘How To Be A Bawse’ because I actually informed myself about the book after ordering it and it didn’t really sound like the kind of book I like.
I was and still am surprised by this book in a very, very positive and good way after finishing it!


As the title already says; this book teaches you how to be a Bawse. 
But what is a Bawse?! This is how it is explained at the back of the book:

Basically, in this book Lilly Singh gives the reader some advice on how to conquer his live by showing him things that helped and still help herself in her every-day live and on a longer perspective.

There are 50 chapters with 50 different tips and advices.


As I already said at the top…
When I started reading this book I wasn’t really looking forward to it. I thought: ‘I don’t need such a self-help book. Yes, my live isn’t perfect, but I consider myself to be happy most of the times.’
But after reading it, I have to say that this book touched my heart and made me think over myself and my live a lot.

This book made me realize that you always can work on yourself, ‘even’ if you consider your life to be good the way it is.
You know, that’s a thing every one of us probably has heard being said by other people millions of times, liked trillions of times on Instagram in form of some motivational quote with a pretty picture in the background. BUT [at least I] never really thought about this or tried to actually refer it on my own live.
Even this text I am writing here probably won’t make you who read this think about these things…

… but Lilly’s book was able to do so when it came to me.

Maybe I should start with this book’s actual review now and stop talking about the meaning of live. xD

This entire book is so honest. It feels Lilly is 200% honest with every single word she is writing. She talks about her depression and the problems she had and still has in a very pure and brave way.

Honestly, I think writing this book is a very brave thing to do. Lilly lets the reader be part of some of her inner, very personal thoughts, fears and problems. To show the reader this kind of ‘weakness’ *I am putting this wort in quotation marks because having problems isn’t really a weakness* requires a very big amount of bravery and self-awareness. We get to know another side of her by reading ‘How To Be A Bawse’ than we can see on her YouTubeChannel.

'There's always a way to be open and honest while also being respectful. Anyone who behaves otherwise is just being lazy.'

Aside from all the fangirling, I have to say that [a bit like with TABINOF] some chapters are better than others. I had to read some chapters twice, because I found them so good; but some others didn’t really catch me.
I have to admit that I also shed one or two tears while reading some chapters.

Another thing I really, really like about this book is its language. I literally could hear Lilly saying and see her gesturing to some sentences. xD
She uses an easy language which I feel like everybody can understand, but which still isn’t too easy, or blunt. She also uses many metaphors that refer to Game of Thrones, Harry Potter and much more. Harry Potter references always are a great thing, aren’t they?! xD

Something I don’t really like about this book is its cover. The colours and the font simply aren’t really my favourites.

The layout of the actual book in contrary is very cool. I love the font, the way some quotations are worked out and the used colours. Everything goes very well with each other.
Along with the beginning of every chapter goes a new picture of Lilly which matches with the chapter’s content. This also is a thing I really like. :D

My Recommendation

If you like iisuperwomanii:          buy this book
If you don’t like / know iisuperwomanii:              buy this book
I am not kidding, I would recommend every one of you to buy this book.

It might be good if you are willing to really listen to what she has to say, think about it on your own and maybe really change something about your own life. As I said at the beginning: nobody is perfect, ‘also’ not a pretty, famous YouTuber with more than 11 million subscribers.

I want to finish this review by saying something I personally find very important:
In her videos Lilly seems to be / is a very energetic, charismatic and loud person. I am a person who is very quit and shy in some situations. That’s why I thought that her tips wouldn’t really help me because we are very different. But, as I already tried to explain, many of the chapters actually really helped me.

 So, if you also are a quieter person, you ‘still’ can and should buy this book. :D

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